Monday, March 14, 2011

Yoko Ono Shared Her Thoughts on The Tsunami in Japan and Explained What Japan Needs to Get Back on it's Feet Again

Yoko Ono on Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN
Yoko Ono is the most famous Japanese Celebrity.  She was on Piers Morgan Tonight to share her thoughts about the Tsunami in Japan.  She pointed out that most her friends are in Tokyo and she did not know anyone who had experienced the horror in the area north that was so devastated. She said. ' Japanese are very strong and resilient people.  Japan will need energy, courage and wisdom to rebuild.  Japan will become an Architect's heaven to go an design own buildings.'  As for the way to help, Yoko is a big fan of the Red Cross and she gave them money and suggested that people should use them as a way to help Japan.

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